Saturday, April 5, 2008

Southwest And FAA

In the last few days, one can read a lot about Southwest airlines and their lack of customer safety. IN March it was discovered that Southwest violated FAA regulations regarding airline inspections on 46 Boeing 737s. The violations occurred in 2007. Due to this violation FAA fined Southwest $10.2 million, which is the largest fine ever imposed on an airline. Some of these inspections were serious. After the discovery of the violation, the air planes were inspected and many were grounded for some serious failures. How can Southwest be so unethical towards the safety of there passengers? According to CNN Southwest flew more passengers in 2007 then any airline. That makes them the number airline in the US and they have no lack of respect for their passengers. Luckily no accidents occurred and upon inspections of the planes, the planes were grounded.

What makes this case even worse is that the FAA was aware of this and Southwest tried to remove the FAA inspectors from inspecting the airlines. So I wonder how much the government agents got paid for keeping their mouth shut. All this came forward to the public when the same inspector, who was removed from the group, blew the whistle on FAA and Southwest.

As of now there is going to be a congressional hearing on the lack of safety on Southwest and FAA’s part. I believe the individuals at FAA, who let Southwest fly their planes without inspection, should also be fined and serve time in jail. The fine that was imposed on Southwest is not enough, because one cannot put a price on human life. Southwest should be grounded indefinitely.


1 comment:

Benjamin Yaw Atsem said...

Smitty , this is Benjamin Atsem from Group 5.
It is really sad that companies and people feel so much happy happy when his or her neighbor is suffering or in pain .
I did also hear that Southwest violated FAA regulations regarding airline inspections on 46 Boeing 737s.
We also need to hold FAA accountable because it seems someone is also not doing the right thing .These violations occurred under their own watchful eyes and ears .
Are they waiting for serious accidents to occur before they take action .Even though Southwest was fined $10.2 million, we need to put the work of airplane inspection by FAA should also be done with the safety of the customer at the centre stage. Even though most of these airplanes were inspected and many were grounded for some serious failures and violations , they should not wait in conduction their inspections but the safety of passengers should be important to them. Most of these airlines are just interseted in the cash period.